Is a disorder where there are repetitive THOUGHTS [Obsessions] and a Need to care out certain ACTS [Compulsion]. If they do not carry out these Acts they get more and more anxious and may go into a panic attack.
Ideas, Words or Images force themselves into the patient's mind and he cannot resist them. All of us. have at some time, this happen to us, "Did I Turn Off the Cooker? Did I Lock the Door?" We are sure that we did turn off the cooker. but we feel anxious until we have checked. The individual who has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder has unwanted thought continuously going through his head. He is unable to concentrate as he try's to force the ideas away. Even when he drives them away he knows they will soon be back. The ideas are often about Religion, Sex or Contamination by Dirt or Bacteria.
The patient is forced to carry out these acts even though he knows that they are strange and he doesn't want to do them. Very often they are in the form of a RITUAL [They have to be done in an Exact way], if he makes a mistake in the Ritual he has to start all over again. Common Compulsions are repeated Hand Washing and having to put on clothes in an exact way. Often they cannot lead a normal way because they have to wash their hands 20 to 30 times over the space of a few hours.
Behavior Therapy Techniques as discussed earlier are very effective in reducing the symptoms of this disorder. However, the patient will often relapse and require further treatment If the disorder is treated at an early stage the results are much better.
1. In Hysteria the patient's menial Conf1icts are expressed UNCONSCIOUSLY by converting the Mental stress into a Physical Disorder or Dissociating from their Conscious Unconscious mind
2. Conversion Symptoms Can present as any organic disease and will depend on the level of knowledge of the individual
3. Dissociative is the Symptoms. Amnesia commonest presenting symptom. I" its severest form it presents as a FUGUE
4. The Primary Gain is the relief from Stress and Te1I!iion. Secondary Gain is the sympathy and help they receive for their illness.
5. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a disorder where there are repetitive THOUGHTS /Obsessions and a Need to care out certain ACTS(/Compulsion)
6. Behavior Therapy Techniques are very effective in reducing the symptoms of this disorder.
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